Gardening Club

Sadly, Bickleigh Gardening Club was disbanded at our AGM in November 2022 as the club has struggled to attract new members and to fill positions on the committee.

The constitution states, "after all debts are settled, the balance of money to be offered to local charity, after agreement by the members of the club", so the committee asked for suggestions from the members.  We have therefore decided to donate the funds from the club to Bickleigh School, Bickleigh Village Hall, CHAT and Tiverton Agricultural Association.

Thank you to members for your support over the years and to committee members for all your hard work.

If you would like any other information, please contact the Secretary, Wendy Baker on 01884 855548 or the Treasurer, Judith Williams on 01884 855093.

Past events

The Fragrant Garden Talk - Jeremy Wilson

Monday 11th October 2021 at 7:30pm

Pruning Talk - Graham White

Monday 13th September 2021 at 7:30pm

‘Otters - Coming to a River Near You’

Monday 9th March 2020 at 7:30pm
A presentation by Stephen Powles.
